(519) 282-8272
GO WHERE YOU WANT. let me help you get there.

About Me

My Values

I know there's a lot of choice out there when it comes to finding a web developer. Sadly there are also a lot of bad ones as well -- designers that choose to do their learning on your dollar, and others who try to pass you an inferior product that doesn't really suit what you need.

I believe my success comes from ensuring the success of my clients. Some of my clients have hired me in the past simply because they know I put their best interests first.

I believe my clients should have the power to maintain access and control of their own content. I'm proud to say that I have a very high client retention rate, but if for whatever reason you want to change developers, I'll do my best to make the transition as smooth as possible.

I believe in operating with openness and integrity. This means being upfront about my skills and limitations, and ensuring I deliver a superior product that suits your need, and doing so on time.

I believe in ensuring you're hiring the right professional for the job. Nobody can know absolutely everything about web development, so if you need a particular kind of expertise that I can't provide, I'll help you find someone who can.

So what IS my expertise in technical terms?

I have a strong programming background, and consider myself equally proficient in both back-end programming, in primarily PHP and MySQL, as well as front-end development. My front-end framework of choice is VueJS, but I also have extensive experience using jQuery. It should go without saying that my HTML & CSS skills are also very strong.

My focus is on custom, responsive websites (mobile-friendly), online stores, and database driven MVC web applications that provides a great user-experience. I design from the ground up. I start with a unique layout, colours, and functionality all guided by the client's direction and my expertise.

My Content Management System of choice is Perch CMS, which provides powerful development tools for me, and a straightforward admin panel for users. I can also provide Wordpress solutions on request.

My Technical Experience

  • Web Development
    • HTML5: 7 years
    • CSS3: 7 years
    • Javascript: 6 years
    • PHP: 6 years
    • MySQL: 6 years
  • Frameworks/Libraries/Tools
    • CodeIgniter 3
    • Laravel
    • VueJS
    • Bootstrap
    • MustacheJS
    • jQuery/jQuery UI
    • Git & GitHub/BitBucket
  • CMS/e-Commerce Platforms  
    • Perch CMS
    • Wordpress (custom theming)
    • FoxyCart
    • Stripe Payments
    • Shopify e-Commerce
    • Volusion e-Commerce
    • Paypal Shopping Cart (including IPN)
  • Other Skills
    • Visual Basic: 15+ years
    • Excel VBA: 9 years

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